Sunday, August 25, 2013

We had a server crash.

One of our servers crashed over the weekend.
If you have already paid for PadCAD or upgraded PadCAD lite and find that the app is asking you to upgrade once more, please forward us your user ID so we can reset your account. Do NOT reinstall the app as this will delete your existing account.
Your user ID can be located toward the top left corner of the preferences panel.
Click the gear icon to see your preferences panel.

Thanks for your patience,

Meher G


  1. I experienced this problem during the weekend, Althuough I was notified my upgrade was successful and my design was saved locally, I cannot retrieve my design. I sent my user I.d. to PADCAD, but I still cannot access the design and no one has contacted me. I am very disappointed with the loss of my design and the lack of timely response from PADCAD!

  2. I experienced this problem during the weekend, Althuough I was notified my upgrade was successful and my design was saved locally, I cannot retrieve my design. I sent my user I.d. to PADCAD, but I still cannot access the design and no one has contacted me. I am very disappointed with the loss of my design and the lack of timely response from PADCAD!
